Parties Agree to Let UN Observe Election Investigation

The CPP and opposition CNRP agreed during a meeting at the National Assembly on Friday that the U.N. can observe an investigation into irregularities in last month’s national election, but continued to disagree that the National Election Committee (NEC) lead the investigation. After the two parties first attempted to set up a special committee on August 3 at the NEC’s headquarters, the opposition backed out when CNRP president Sam Rainsy sent a letter to NEC President Im Suosdey saying his party could not accept an investigation unless it is led by the U.N. On Friday, the CNRP changed its position, instead saying that it would agree to the CPP’s demand that the U.N. could only act as an observer to the committee. “This morning between 9 and 11 a.m., the delegations from the two parties, the CNRP and CPP, met at the National Assembly,” said CNRP spokesman Yim So­vann. “We went to form a special committee, and we came to the conclusion [that] the delegation from the two parties will discuss with their top leaders about who will be a member of the special committee and we agreed that the U.N. will be an observer.” A statement released by the opposition after the meeting said CNRP chief whip Son Chhay, lawmaker candidate for Kompong Cham province Kuy Bunroeun and CNRP candidate for Prey Veng province Nhem Ponhearith all attended the meeting. …

The Cambodia Daily